Returns & Exchanges

  • Our ultimate objective is to ensure that our customers have a remarkable shopping experience with us at Grand Azur. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase online, please contact customer service to assist you with any issues you may have. You may return or exchange the product for up to 5 business days as from the delivery date.
  • Returned products must be in new, unused, in unaltered condition with all tags and stickers attached and in the original packaging. Grand Azur will not accept products returned outside the guidelines. Anything returned outside the guidelines will not be accepted and will be shipped back to your shipping address. Returns will be processed within 14 business days from the date we receive the package. Once we receive your package, your refund(s) will be issued within 7 business days from the day your return is completed.
  • To make an exchange, the original product must be returned first, and the new item must be purchased by the
  • Customers must return their products at the customer’s own expense.

How to return your product:

To request a return please email to obtain a return authorization number and return shipping instructions. Returns sent without a return authorization number will not be accepted.

Please note:

1. Online orders cannot be returned or exchanged at stores that sell Grand Azur.
2. Grand Azur cannot claim ownership of the product until the Grand Azur Returns Department confirms it has received the product.
3. We can only accept purchases made in and through the Grand Azur website.

*If you have further inquiries, please contact the Grand Azur Customer Service team at